Love your body. Love your eyes.

Doctor, what can I do to keep my eyes healthy?

I get this question at least once a week. I am a firm believer in healthy body, healthy eyes.

Studies show that lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease allows the body to work better for a longer period of time.

See the photo of this stunning, heirloom artichoke? The answer is pretty simple.

Eat vegetables daily and eat a lot of them. 

I'm pretty fond of vegetables. In fact, last summer my husband and I started a raised-bed vegetable garden. He loves the mint that grows for his fancy mixed drinks. I love the kale for juicing and salads. He makes me a drink now and again. I make him kale stuff all the time, lol.

So the next time you're at the grocery store, spend a little bit more time in the produce section. Your body and your eyes and I will thank you.

Your veggie eating optometrist,